Buy Acoustic Guitar - Top 5 Buying Tips
So you're going to buy an acoustic guitar! What fun to search for the best guitar! But there are so many different options and models available, it may be confusing. Here are some considerations to guide your decision making.
1. Determine your price range
2. Consider your age, gender and size
3. Decide which type of music you wish to play
4. Think about where you might be playing
5. Take into account your experience
1. Price Range
The amount of money you have to spend may be the deciding factor. It is wise to purchase the best instrument you can afford for several reasons. A good guitar will be easier to play and will sound better, so you're likely to play it more and keep it longer. And if you decide to sell or trade, you'll find that a well-made guitar holds its value. The
best acoustic guitars
have solid wood tops.
Cheap acoustic guitars. have laminated tops which produce a disappointing tone. I would advise against buying a cheap acoustic guitar. These have little resale or trade-in value, and the poor tone discourages many students from practicing. The
best beginner guitar is therefore not the cheapest. The best guitar for beginners is the one which encourages the novice to play. It is better to wait and save a little longer than to buy a cheap guitar. Remember... the terms 'cheap' and 'inexpensive' are NOT interchangeable!! You cannot buy a good, cheap guitar, but there are lots of good inexpensive ones!
2. Personal
Age, gender and physical size are very important considerations when buying a guitar. Children (and adults with little hands) will appreciate a smaller instrument like a 'parlor' size guitar. A full-size 'dreadnought' is better suited to those over 5'6" with longer fingers. While a pre-teen girl may like a pretty pink instrument, a middle aged man would likely opt for the natural wood look. Younger men often prefer black, blue or red guitars while the classic sunburst guitar has almost universal appeal. Thus, buy an acoustic guitar that most appeals to you.
3. Playing Style
Musical styles and playing techniques vary. A guitar with a narrow neck is well suited to strumming and quick chord changes. Such Instruments are favored among rhythm guitarists, while fingerpickers often prefer the extra space provided by a wider neck.
4. Places You'll Play
Musical venues are many and diverse, and your guitar should fit in. If you play to smaller audiences, a straight acoustic guitar is most often the best. A well-made guitar will project adequately in a small venue. If, however, there are other instruments playing, sometimes an 'acoustic-electric' guitar is the answer. These are acoustic guitars with sophisticated pickups built in. They can be played 'unplugged' like any straight acoustic, or plugged into an amplifier with predictable results!!! Excellent for everything from Saturday night coffee-house gigs to Sunday morning church services when plugged in, acoustic-electric guitars are equally at home unplugged, sitting on the back deck singing to your cat!
5. Practical Experience
As your technical skills improve, you'll find your 'ear' become more sophisticated. Harmonics and overtones will be of increasingly greater importance and a skilled musician will naturally prefer an instrument with a greater range of dynamics. Your own experience will help narrow your decision when you buy an acoustic guitar.
Ready to buy? Online shoppers have access to literally hundreds of different guitars from all over the world. The list seems endless. There has never been a time when there were so many acoustic guitars for sale at such affordable prices. You can read all the latest reviews, check prices on new and used guitars and compare their various attributes all from the comfort of your own home. You can order online, pay online, and buy an acoustic guitar of your dreams delivered right to your door!! If you're reading this, you're off to a great start! Good luck...
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